17-03-03 10:14 | Hit 1,709
라이트스포르트가 2016년 KRA 말산업 전문인력 1차 해외연수를 성공적으로 마쳤습니다.
해외연수는 독일 최고의 명문 승마학교 Westfälische Reit- und Fahrschule Münster e. V. 에서 진행되었습니다.
8주간의 고된 훈련과 이론수업을 무사히 마친 연수생들 축하드립니다.
Reitsport Management successfully completed KRA's overseas training for horse industry professionals.
The 8 week training took place in Germany's most prestigious riding school Westfälische Reit- und Fahrschule Münster e. V.
Congratulations to the trainees who have completed the 8 weeks of hard training and theoretical classes.
Reitsport Management successfully completed KRA's overseas training for horse industry professionals.
The 8 week training took place in Germany's most prestigious riding school Westfälische Reit- und Fahrschule Münster e. V.
Congratulations to the trainees who have completed the 8 weeks of hard training and theoretical classes.