17-03-03 10:36 | Hit 1,645
라이트스포르트가 대명 소노펠리체 마차운전 클리닉을 무사히 진행하였습니다.
마차운전 클리닉은 독일 Neu-Isenburg에서 3일간 진행되었습니다.
교육은 현재 FEI 마차심판이자 독일 pony carriage 국가 대표 감독을 역임한 Mr. Peter Tischer가 진행했습니다.
Reitsport Management successfully conducted a carriage driving clinic for Daemyung Sonofelice.
The 3 day clinic was held in Neu-Isenburg, Germany by Mr. Peter Tischer.
Mr. Peter Tischer is currently a FEI judge for carriage driving and he is the former coach of Germany’s Pony carriage national team.
Reitsport Management successfully conducted a carriage driving clinic for Daemyung Sonofelice.
The 3 day clinic was held in Neu-Isenburg, Germany by Mr. Peter Tischer.
Mr. Peter Tischer is currently a FEI judge for carriage driving and he is the former coach of Germany’s Pony carriage national team.