Reitsport Management's Notice

Reitsport Management Ankündigung

라이트스포르트 매니지먼트의 게시판 입니다.

Reitsport Management's Notice

Reitsport Management Ankündigung


포르투칼 Vilamoura에서 대명 소노펠리체 승마단의 전지훈련을 진행하였습니다. Reitsport Management conducted an overseas training at Vilamour Atlant… Reitsport Management conducted an overseas training at Vilamour Atlant…
관리자 17-03-03 10:40  |  Hit 1,758  

라이트스포르트가 대명 소노펠리체 승마단의 전지훈련을 무사히 진행하였습니다.

전지훈련은 포르투칼 남부 지중해 휴양지인 Vilamoura에서 2주간 진행되었습니다.

Vilamoura Atlantic Tour에서 좋은 성적을 낸 대명 소노펠리체 선수단과 학생 선수들 축하드립니다!

Reitsport Management successfully conducted an overseas training for Daemyung Sonofelice Equestrian Team and Junior riders.

The two week training and competition took place in Vilamoura, Portugal.

Congratulations to Daemyung Sonofelice Equestraian team and junior riders who finished the tour with good results!

Reitsport Management successfully conducted an overseas training for Daemyung Sonofelice Equestrian Team and Junior riders.

The two week training and competition took place in Vilamoura, Portugal.

Congratulations to Daemyung Sonofelice Equestraian team and junior riders who finished the tour with good results!
