17-09-29 12:55 | Hit 1,802
라이트스포르트와 대한민국 선수들이 CSI3* W Olomouc과 유러피안 영스터 컵 출전을 위해 체코 올로모우츠에 다녀왔습니다.
Watch Out!!
Here Come The Ladies
Enjoying some leisurely moments~
Victory is paid for in sweat courage and preperation.
Dressed to kill!
체코 올로모우츠에서 개최된 CSI3*-W Olomouc 그랑프리 결승전에 대한민국의 임성윤 선수와 그의 파트너 Cassono가 출전했습니다! 너무나
자랑스럽고 축하드립니다!
모두 고생하셨습니다!
Reitsport Management and Team Korea attended the CSI3*-W Olomouc and European Youngster Cup in Czech Republic.
Watch Out!!
Here Come The Ladies
Enjoying some leisurely moments~
Victory is paid for in sweat courage and preperation.
Dressed to kill!
Last day at CSI3*-W Olomouc.
Seonggyun Lim and his horse Cassano qualified for today's Grand Prix!
Time to head back home!
Good job mates!
Reitsport Management and Team Korea attended the CSI3*-W Olomouc and European Youngster Cup in Czech Republic.
Watch Out!!
Here Come The Ladies
Enjoying some leisurely moments~
Victory is paid for in sweat courage and preperation.
Dressed to kill!
Last day at CSI3*-W Olomouc.
Seonggyun Lim and his horse Cassano qualified for today's Grand Prix!
Time to head back home!
Good job mates!